
Therapy can help you cope with the emotional and relationship issues that arise from issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, sex, intimacy, conflict, worry, grief and loss, parenting, infertility, postpartum, trauma and more. Therapy can help you improve relationships, communication, reduce conflict, alleviate depression and anxiety, manage stress, improve behavior, heal emotional pain and distress, and promote personal growth. Susan offers individual therapy for adult clients. She is not seeing children or teens at this time.

You may be seeking counseling for a wide range of emotional and relationship issues. Susan draws upon her training and experience to use an eclectic evidence based counseling approach to nurture change and development within individuals and families. She is EMDR Trained for trauma processing. The therapy and counseling approach is customized to fit your needs. She is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, accepting therapy environment where you can come to work on your concerns. She strives to provide guidance, intervention, and support to improve overall wellness.
“The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh